The Teen Associate Board offers high school students the opportunity to become involved with Infant Crisis Services. Students govern their own board with an executive committee, setting goals to carry out the mission of feeding and diapering Oklahoma’s neediest babies and toddlers.
2018 Officers
· Jacob Edwards, President
· Jessie Duit, Vice President
· Vivienne Vogler, Secretary
· Alley Watts,Treasurer
Max Baetz
Delaney Barghols
Ruby Berryman
Monica Borders
Blair Brawley
Zachary Conner
Jillian Crotts
MaryKate Downs
Ashley Gawey
Lilly Guyer
Catherine Han
AnnaCate Howeth
Sophia Jones
Chloe Kamp
Chandler Keller
Karoline Leonard
Liliana Macias
Mariela Martinez
Sophia McCasland
Meghan McDaniel
Braeden McLaughlin
Caroline Moock
Ellie Neidel
Kathy Nguyen
Jake Padgham
Katelyn Parkinson
Katelyn Romeike
Anna Shaffer
Kathryn Shaw
Kylie Skarda
Audrey Stavish
Nova Sukut
Drue Taylor
Chandler Wint
Luke Wolfard
Interested in joining the 2019 Teen Associate Board? Please contact Allison Parker at