The Teen Associate Board offers high school students the opportunity to become involved with Infant Crisis Services. Students govern their own board with an executive committee, setting goals to carry out the mission of feeding and diapering Oklahoma’s neediest babies and toddlers. The Teen Associate Board is responsible for planning and executing this annual fundraising auction at the end of their board term. Each member of the board serves on a committee and secures event sponsors and auction items.
2015-2016 Teen Associate Board Members:
Eden Bellieu
Madison Baetz
Sophia Bonadeo
Monica Borders
Emily Boughan
Elizabeth Cassidy
Katie Cheap
Maren Cottrell
Sawyer Counts
Foster Counts
Jillian Crotts
Paige Crowley
Claire Darrow
Anna Darrow
Lena Do
MaryKate Downs
Jessie Duit
Jacob Edwards
Mary Kate Feighny
Catherine Fraley
Ashley Gawey
Marnie Harper
Kylee Keller
Isabelle Kempton
Mackenzie Lilly
Sophia McCasland
Sally Merrill
Jason Mullen
Pauline Nguyen
Katelyn Parkinson
Mollie Patrick
Ryal Reddick
Caroline Sanger
Mikaela Stine
Rachel Terry
Julianne Thrower
Savannah Vogler
Vivienne Vogler
Jack Wolfard